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Bookmaker Smarkets

Last update: February 05, 2025 04:43
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Event Back Bet Back Odds Lay Odds Loss
Newcastle v Arsenal Wed 5 Feb 20:00 Arsenal to Win 2.15 2.1 £0.24
Dortmund v Stuttgart Sat 8 Feb 14:30 Dortmund to Win 2 1.99 £0.05
Mgladbach v Frankfurt Sat 8 Feb 17:30 Mgladbach to Win 2.6 2.7 -£0.37
Torino v Genoa Sat 8 Feb 19:45 Draw 3 3.15 -£0.47
Grimsby v Carlisle Sat 8 Feb 15:00 Grimsby to Win 2.15 2.26 -£0.48

Matching a bet on Newcastle v Arsenal

  1. Register with Betfred and deposit £10.00 in your account. Leave this browser tab/window open.

    This is the amount required for your first (or qualifying) bet which is needed to unlock the free £30.00 bet (next step).
  2. Go to Smarkets and deposit at least £11.26 in your account. Leave this window open too.

    This is the "Liability" amount needed to cover the "Lay" bet.
  3. On Betfred place a £10.00 bet on Arsenal to Win at Odds 2.15. Simply click on the decimal odds to bring up the betting slip.

  4. On Smarkets find the same match. Then click on the lay odds containing 2.1 (a blue button) and type £10.24 under "Stake". This is the backers stake on Arsenal to Win. Confirm your bet.

    You have now matched the bet you made on Betfred!

On this qualifying bet you will make an acceptable loss of £0.24. Don't worry, this is expected due to the small difference between the odds. We'll be making a healthy profit on the next step using the free bet.

Now just sit back and wait for the outcome of the event to be decided! Then head to step 2 of the oddsmatcher to extract the free bet.

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